Sabina's Legacy in Healthcare and What Can be done to Honor Sabina
NOTICE: St Vincent's Hospital where Sabina was first treated is now closed, as of April 14, 2010. Here is detail of the decline of a premier Manhattan hospital: NY Times Story, click.
I attended Sabina as her father during her hospitalization for her head
injury. The experience of dealing with the medical system, doctors,
hospital staffs, attorneys, family, friends, and press was overwhelming.
Given my experience in the management of Sabina's care at the end of her life,
there are many things that must be taught to others. As a result, I offer
my collected experience and recommendation for other in a situation of serious
This page is dedicated what I, her father, must do to honor Sabina
Whenever I now read, hear or see any instance of traumatic brain injury, my
thoughts lead to questioning Sabina's care and circumstances of her
death. I have come to know others who had to deal with the recovery of
traumatic brain injury. Many of the medical care issues exposed apply
generally to serious hospitalization, especially those with potentially fatal
Our family's experience has led me to produce both a list of recommendations
for patients and loved ones, and a proposal for a Patient's Bill of Rights.
There is a long list of things anyone who is responsible for overseeing the
care of a loved one should track, and act upon. Every one of these
circumstance occurred during Sabina's care. The list is not complete, and
will be expanded and modified with additional recollections and information.
Longer term, there are major issues that need to be addressed in health care
for a Patient’s Bill of Rights
One of the things that occurred to me dealing with a patient in the hospital
is the similarity with being imprisoned: Your life is under the control of
others and you are imprisoned by expertise of the staff. One thing that
those imprisoned receive is their Miranda rights. No such rights are
expressed for patients. Based on various experiences with Sabina and her
care, here is a Patient's Bill of Rights to consider:
steps can we take to improve healthcare in Sabina's honor?
The major problems that Sabina encountered were due to poor care. The
origins of poor care in Sabina's case in order from most significant to less
How to Improve the Level of Care
Centers of Excellence
The best model of how to handle multiple levels of care is exemplified by the
early 20th century model of the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic was not
organized by government. It was the result of the private enterprise of
the Mayo family. Private enterprise here, really does not denote a profit
making, NYSE listed facility, but a professionally run, top rate facility not
run for profit. This is a hard concept to grasp today where enterprise is
some monster trillion dollar company listed on the stock exchange, or Federal,
State or local government. You may have seen a similar motivation in
charity run hospitals (Mayo is affiliated with St Mary's Hospital for example),
or "Doctor's Hospital" where doctors would band together to offer
needed care.
Mayo relied on cases too difficult for the local doctor, or surgeon, and they
relied on simple patient transportation across many states in the
The same can be done today, but much stands in the way. Many hospitals
want to carry forward with their charters of charity, and seek paying patients
to fill in the financial gaps and to offer staff patients that will match their
level of specialization and skill. There is a tendency today for every hospital
to want to compete with Mayo, rather than send up difficult patients to Mayo or
similarly highly skilled facility.
The notion of centers of excellence is dealt with in "Redefining Health
Care" by Porter and Teisberg, among other topics. The major
difference with their focus and mine is heavier emphasis on them, an emphasis
on improved patient transport networks, to include both variable and fixed wing
aircraft, a mechanism for emergency triage to centers of excellence, and the
need for established agreements between hospitals and centers of
excellence. It is my view that no hospital should be without
agreements with a center excellence on how to exchange patients with them,
both in sending critical patients to a center, and releasing patients out to
local and regional hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation, and long term care facilities.
This also holds for exchange between centers of excellence both for a better
match of skills, to relieve patient overload, and to maintain a robust backup
in case of catastrophe.
In Sabina's specific instance, she was driven to the nearest hospital that
could treat head injury and traumatic brain injury. Driving time there
was seven minutes (Google). It took
It is my view that no patient unconscious from
head injury (traumatic brain injury) must be transported only to facilities
that have an operational Diffusion Tensor
Imaging systems. Diagnosis, prognosis and treatment cannot be guided
with this tool.
I consider Sabina's transportation to
This is horrifying, and made even more horrifying knowing that it was a
government regulation by the State of
What makes this issue murkier is that
Sabina contracted a drug resistant strain of lung infection the first week from
the respirator that should never have happened.
Improvements in Patient Transportation:
The major improvement to be made in patient transportation is to offer more
choices to patients, allowing them to reach one or more centers of excellence
for their illness or injury in a timely manner.
Modernization of Staff Training and
Management of Staffing Costs
Staff training should be brought out of the medieval craft guild model into the
21 century industrial model. My view is that patient care tasks do not
need to be done only by registered nurses. More tasks assigned LPNs, and
minimally trained patient care technicians would improve care due to dedication
to rote tasks, and specialization to simple tasks. The notion is similar
to the modern assembly line where one person performs a specific task to
perfection. In the case of patient care, this might be someone who's sole
task is to turn patients at regular intervals, or another to inspect IVs for
quantity, and integrity.
More advanced specialization might occur with some of the tasks undertaken by
physicians. This might be someone to handle gathering all available
research on the patient's condition. Another example, might be a person
to review in detail patient monitoring data for anomalies. Another
example might be someone to test for basic functions such as coma scale using a
standard set of tests. I am not going to parse standard tasks at this
level, but you get the idea of the industrial revolution: Parse the tasks
of the expert craftsman, and train workers to accomplish each separate
task. This both reduces costs, and improves accuracy and quality because
of the dedication to task.
Another modern industrial practice is that of using engineers to solve specific
problems and deal with specialization. I see possible adaptation of
engineering to patient care. One possible task amenable to engineering
discipline is that task of care coordinator. A role much expanded over
the narrow social worker assignment seen today. In Sabina's case,
was frustrated by the role that social workers had in the care cycle.
Part of the problem that I saw in it is that they lacked the training and
discipline of engineers.
They typically lacked training the hard sciences, making the understanding of
simple things like X-ray
machine, cat scanners, MRI, somewhat mysterious to them. I
can imagine immense frustration given the lack of science training, and
inability to master the material given them. I would rather see a
position of health care engineer created to replace social workers. An engineer's role is
to assemble technology and teams to solve a problem. Social workers are
really geared to working a system for an individual, dealing with paperwork,
and detail.
To me these are far different roles. Engineering roles are far more facile and
malleable. For example, you might often see a mechanical engineer
become proficient in some aspect of electronic engineering,
stepping completely out of their primary field of education. Cases abound
of engineers migrating across boundaries to solve a different set of
problems. Their basic training in problem solving skills and base
scientific knowledge moves them across such boundaries. There is a notion
of acquired skills. In medical are, specialties are often boxed in with
severe limits placed on duties and skills. I will challenge those who
question the engineering model with engineering results: The Intel
processors. The PC. None of these were built by licensed
engineers. They were designed by engineers who developed high levels of
skill far beyond any formal training. They have produced these products
with few defects. The same cannot be said for medical care.
Work rules and the training of social workers block this sort of adaptation and
puts them in a box. One of the major issues identified in Sabina's case
is this box thinking where no one outside is allowed inside other boxes.
Medicine needs to learn from the immense progress that engineering has made in
the last century in problem solving. It still resides in a craft/guild
Dietitians as a profession signify the archetype of the "medical engineer"
as being close to a model of an engineer in health care, focusing on a specific
science and delivering solutions. Nursing tries to put too much into the
basket. Social work puts too little training in the
mix; one cannot imagine a social worker trying to move into an
engineering role. One can, however, imagine an engineer expanding the
role of social worker.
Improved Telemedicine
Telemedicine is a means to improve care delivery by linking experts and centers
of excellence. There needs to be appropriate infrastructure to support
such activity, and it should be done under cooperation. By cooperation, I
mean any fees are not charged beyond a maintenance base if hospitals and
physicians provide appropriate support. The maintenance fee is to provide
a functioning infrastructure, and hourly fees for designated stars.
Key to making telemedicine successful is federal recognition of all state
medical licenses for any telemedicine activity. It would be insane to
deny a patient one state the expertise of someone not licensed in that
state. This cries out for federal regulation under the telecommunications
act. This is no place for states rights. Patients and
families should also have the right to consult physicians out of state without
local license.
One request that I would make at a federal level is to mandate and pay to have
all medical publications on-line for free. The time for paid subscription
medical publications is over and is impeding medical research, impeding
dissemination of treatment options, and thus is costing lives. Access to
any medical papers should be instantly accessible by anyone, anywhere with a
computer at no cost. This is not something that benefits from high
costs. All the access keys, codes, different databases, and all cost
time, effort, and limit thoroughness. It is a friction on care and
medical research that must be eliminated.
A real case example is in order to show why medical papers should be freely
accessible by anyone anywhere. I represented a firm in the SPEC (Standard
Performance Evaluation Corporation) a non-profit industry consortium.
SPEC started out by charging about $500 for a quarterly publication of its
performance results. The high cost barely covered the costs of
preparation, editing, printing, binding, and shipping since it was a low volume
circulation. When SPEC went to WEB based publication, it made the data
freely available. Updates to performance results instead of being
quarterly (and publication was formerly delayed up to nearly 1/2 year), came
out monthly. There was almost no cost to publication. The
organization was able to function without any raise in membership fees. Quality
and speed were much higher. It comes free.
Facilities Improvements
Facilities improvements begin with management. Number one facility
improvement is sanitation and cleanliness. It takes a military drill
sergeant-like manner to deal with the detailing of dust, dirt, messes and
waste. The same goes for security; it needs to no-nonsense, and unobtrusive.
Another aspect is to have enough funding to manage the mission
requirements. It means having enough patients in special intensive care
facilities to justify the infrastructure. Neuro-ICUs must have isolation
for example. Neuro-ICUs need special computerized and networked
monitoring equipment given the vital sign complexity of their patients.
Because neurological patients can manifest a lot of distress, facilities need
to make provisions for 24 hour attendance by one relative or caregiver.
Basically a cot in the same room. Rooms need to be large enough to allow
for them and allow appropriate isolation for the patient. My father was a
neurological patient and needed toilet access. He fell out of bed trying
to get the attention of staff and cracked his skull open again. The staff
had ignored the pager, his yelling, and items thrown at the door by my
father. In Sabina's case, storms would erupt, and staff at night would be
thin and preoccupied.
Had Sabina had a bed in her room for a relative, she may have had a better
outcome. Such was the staff inattention for her two most severe
storms. Having a cot for a relative offers a much higher degree of
comfort for the attending relative, and may boost patient morale and speed
recovery knowing that someone is there. Just because someone is not
obviously conscious does not mean that they are not aware of their
surroundings. Given the story of Terry Wallis I believe that contact with
relatives can have a major effect on outcomes, both in the long term and short
term. Get the cots in the rooms, and make the rooms big enough, or put a
futon on the floor.
IT needs to be a focus for facilities improvement. All patient records
should be paperless. Mayo and various other institutions have done
this. Voice recognition should be available to record status and
observations. New IT programs need to bring patient cases into contact
with experts using social networking tools such as twitter, or blogging.
Each patient should have a physician, patient family, and staff blog. The
physician blog is to explore and contact cohort specialists that can offer
advice and guidance on advances in patient care. Sabina would have
greatly benefited from this at
Patients and families should have computer access to all of the hospital library
and online library for searches, and access to all patient records, including
prognoses. I was never shown Sabina's records, and only once shown her
cat scan. I found communication with staff of poor quality at both
hospitals. Patients should be able to call on the staff librarian for
computer search assistance.
Computerized drug dispensers at NYP were a massive improvement over the air
tube shuttle from the building pharmacy. Nurses would walk to the end of
the hall, type in a password, and get any drug needed for a neuro
patient. No walking, waiting, pleading, poor record keeping or
confusion. Sabina would have benefited a great deal at
Better waiting rooms with 24 hour access and security cameras are
essential. Any visitor with a felony record needs to be accompanied by a
security guard. I see no reason to waive such a requirement.
ICU rooms should have a pleasant view of the outside world. The ICU at
Of course there are the obvious things. Equipment should be in working
order and enough equipment needs to be available to serve the needs of the
patients without encountering substantial delays. Delays of 4 days as seen
Patient/Family Communication
These are first and foremost improvement in technology, and second about
providing a consistent, constant human contact with the administration.
Technology can be the simplest means to bridge the gap between patients &
families and healthcare workers. First you need online
recordkeeping. Currently only 15 to 20% of hospitals manage their records
online. These records then need to be accessible by patients and families
to understand what is being done and what the expected results will be.
Automated record keeping offers a better means of nursing oversight than
presently exists, and offers a means to offer more consistent nursing
care. It avoids duplicated tests, incorrect tests, and incorrect
Patient Management through a Healthcare
Here we are talking about an TBD
Prevention of brain injury
Brain injury can occur from multiple sources: physical trauma like
Sabina's, anoxia from carbon monoxide or other gasses, asphyxia from drowning
or smothering, drugs, and aneurysms/stroke.
I was reminded of how simple it can be to prevent brain injury by a note from
one of Sabina's friends who was alerted recently by a simple $20 device to
detect carbon monoxide. It surely saved her and a number of apartment
dwellers from serious brain injury or death. Read the story [click
here]. Call it a miracle if you wish. Perhaps Sabina has not
forgotten us.
The other methods of preventing brain injury are all too obvious: Wear a
bicycle helmet, or motorcycle helmet or occupational helmet, be alert 360 when
crossing the street, don't play soccer with your head, avoid drug abuse, avoid
tobacco, wear a life vest for motorized water sports, never swim alone, and
keep your pool secure. If for any reason you cannot maintain a 360 view
of your surroundings while crossing the street, spread your arms out.
Spreading your arms even a little helps to take the energy of impact away.
To learn about Sabina's struggle for life after severe brain injury, and
treatment of brain injury, please visit her page on autonomic storms .
My Scientific View of Organ Donation
On issue brought to attention is that of organ donation. I have come to the conclusion that organ donation of what are considered to be brain-dead patients should be halted.
Why should organ donation be stopped in brain injury cases? Two reasons:
1. It is my view that many brain injury patients can be revived through aggressive coma stimulation and therapy, and achieve much better outcomes than presently attained. The cost is high, but the rewards are greater.
2. Most importantly, I have come to the conclusion that scientific research in the ways to alleviate damage in the first few hours needs to be advanced. The alternative of organ donation pushes away aggressive study into stopping brain cell death by the very existence of an alternative.
The thinking would be: "we need organs really badly, doing more to reduce brain death after trauma is not going to yield us nearly perfect humans, whereas organ donation will bring us a yield of more perfect humans". I realize that almost everyone would deny this, but you see this wrenching agony of a family offering a child's organs, in contrast to the family whose child receives the organs. Personally I find the taking of an organ where there is this competition between death of one child versus the death of another child quite disturbing. To me it is the horror of cannibalism. It is the horror of the Chinese who harvest the organs of the executed -- that process tends to encourage more executions. Seeing research on preventing organ donor damage in storming patients sets my teeth on edge.
To me the right answer is to find ways to generate organs using cell culture methods for those in need, and to find relief for brain injury through aggressive research. Stopping organ donation would set research and clinical priorities on the right track. My view is that much more can be done to save and improve outcomes for brain injury, that it is unconscionable to deny every TBI patient any chance for reasonable recovery. Simply because brain injury requires extensive support is not a reason to deny someone a recovery within the means of society.
To those struggling with traumatic Brain Injury
After my struggle to save Sabina, I started to realize the truth of Churchill's
words October 29, 1941, when he
visited Harrow School during the darkest days of WWII:
But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period [...] this
is the lesson: Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never — in
nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in, except to convictions
of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently
overwhelming might of the enemy.
My life has changed. TBI in a family member will change your life.
Sabina had a spiritual strength that
shined on everyone that knew her. May the Lord keep her close to Him.